Made with the contribution of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Abruzzo Region
within the Interregional Project for the Improvement in the quality of the Tourist Offer (Qualita'...lia) c.5, art. 5 L.135/01- Specific Actions

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Clay, water, fire are simple and easy- to- find elements which allow men to make works of art with one of the most used and valued materials in the history of humankind: ceramic. In Abruzzo as long ago as 1500 there was the great school of ceramics in Castelli, as well as other important areas of production such as Rapino and Lanciano. In Guardiagrele ceramics is so higly regarded that there is even a district, Largo dei Pignatari, recalling in its name that artistic vocation.

Goldsmith's art
In Abruzzo goldsmith's art is strongly bound up with people's culture and social rites. That's the origin of "presentosa", a pendant in the shape of a star, used as a gift for the engagement. It was actually given to the fiancée by her fiancé or by her parents-in-law as a wedding pledge. "Sciaquaje" are another local piece of jewellery: big earrings in the shape of a ship, used by women especially to adorn themselves on festive occasions and widely depicted on Michetti and Cascella's paintings along with "craccane" and "saracolle". However, Guardiagrele is not the only town in Abruzzo famous for goldsmith's art. Sulmona and L'Aquila, as long ago as the Middle Ages, were famous for their workshops where an original hallmark was used; Scanno and Pescocostanzo claim the authorship of "presentosa". Not to be missed is the feast that every year, in May, takes place in Rapino in honour of Our Lady of Carpineto. In that event the town's girls, called "Verginelle" wear a long tunic dress on which they display the family's jewels.

Weaving and Embroidery
It was not so long ago that people of Abruzzo used the handloom. Hand-woven fabrics were part of the dowry of young girls of marriageable age. Gorgeous towels, table linen, sheets, blankets, rolls of cloth, embroidery, made up the bride's trousseau. Even today the art of embroidery is still handed down from mother to daughter and the most used techniques are lace, cross-stitch, pillow lace. We can't help mentioning the beautiful Abruzzo's costumes. The oldest dresses, kept in the museums, are real works of art by local craftsmen. Women's dresses were called "honne de lu cùtele" and consisted of several pieces: skirt, petticoat, over skirt, shirt, apron, wrap, blouse, bodice, headscarf, socks, belt. They were made in linen, silk, brocade and boiled wool fabric.

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