Made with the contribution of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Abruzzo Region
within the Interregional Project for the Improvement in the quality of the Tourist Offer (Qualita'...lia) c.5, art. 5 L.135/01- Specific Actions

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Culture and Traditions

Abruzzo boasts big names in the world of art, important figures in literature, painting, sculpture, music and cinema. It was especially in the early 20th century when various Abruzzo's figures became very well known. Probably everybody knows about Gabriele D'Annunzio but forgets that this region was the homeland of Michetti, Flaiano, Silone, Croce, Cascella family and many others who contributed to the Italian cultural development. Many of these men spent their youth in Abruzzo then moved to other cities (mainly Rome and Naples that in the 19th and beginning of the 20th century were important cultural centres of Central and Southern Italy) nut never forgot their roots, which were essential for their cultural development.

Abruzzo's people are always been very attached to their own land and its religious traditions. That's why there are hundreds of folk events all over the year and usually all the inhabitants of the villages take part in the celebration of the rite. Many of these feasts and festivals are quite unique of their kind like the astonishing feast of the "serpari" (snake handlers) in Cocullo; it is world-famous. These folk events wish to recall the foundations that led the region from the poverty of the beginning of the 20th century to today's wealth. Values such as wilfulness, work and solidarity have been essential in this economic growth. Those values are inborn in the folk traditions and they represent an important moment for the Abruzzo's villages whose inhabitants know perfectly that only looking back to the past people can face the future with hope. Abruzzo's people love their traditions and spend months for the preparation of their feasts, many of which are peculiar and charming and become a socialization moment in which tourists are considered just like any other member of their community.

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